Unveiling the Nexus: Exploring Customer Satisfaction as a Mediator in the Interplay Between Marketing Mix and Customer Loyalty at Petro Stations in Dili, Timor-Leste

  • Estanislau S. Saldanha Lecturer of the School of Petroleum Studies, Dili Institute of Technology, Timor-Leste
  • Sonia da Silva Ribeiro Student of the School of Petroleum Studies, Dili Institute of Technology, Timor-Leste
  • Teodoro marcos mota Lecturer of the School of Petroleum Studies, Dili Institute of Technology, Timor-Leste
  • Florentino L. S Amaral Lecturer of the School of Petroleum Studies, Dili Institute of Technology, Timor-Leste
Keywords: Marketing mix, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, petrol station, Dili.


This study examined the direct effect of marketing mix on customer loyalty and the indirect effect of customer satisfaction on the relationship between marketing mix and customer loyalty, using a sample of 170 individuals and Smart-PLS 3.0 to test the hypotheses. The results suggest that effective marketing mix strategies, such as high-quality products, competitive pricing, place and personalized promotions, can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, the study also highlights that customer satisfaction alone may not be enough to ensure customer loyalty and that companies should consider other factors, such as convenience and personal relationships, when developing retention strategies. Additionally, cross-cultural differences in marketing mix strategies, customer satisfaction, and loyalty should be taken into account.

Keywords: Marketing mix, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, petrol station, Dili.


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How to Cite
Saldanha, E., Ribeiro, S., mota, T. and Amaral, F. (2023) “Unveiling the Nexus: Exploring Customer Satisfaction as a Mediator in the Interplay Between Marketing Mix and Customer Loyalty at Petro Stations in Dili, Timor-Leste”, Timor Leste Journal of Business and Management, 5, pp. 1-13. doi: 10.51703/bm.v5i0.142.