Motivation, Work Environment, and Employee Performance: Exploring Commitment as the Mediator
This study investigates the intricate dynamics of employee motivation, workplace conditions, and staff performance, focusing on the mediating role of commitment. Bridging a crucial gap in understanding employee behavior, the research explores how motivational methods and the work environment impact productivity, offering insights into human resource strategies and workplace management. Emphasizing the pivotal role of employee commitment in enhancing overall performance, the study scrutinizes key relationships, including the links between motivation, work environment, organizational commitment, and performance, with organizational commitment serving as a crucial mediating variable. Employing a quantitative analysis with 530 Diocese of Baucau employees, utilizing a Likert scale, cross-verification, and Smart-PLS 3.0, the findings underscore the substantial impacts of motivation, work environment, and organizational commitment on overall performance, advocating for their integration into human resource practices. The study proposes a management approach that synergizes motivation, work environment, and commitment, leading to enhanced performance, with future research directions emphasizing multiple mediation models and longitudinal studies, considering demographic diversity, religious motivations, and continuous education for a nuanced understanding of these dynamics.
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