Enhancing Destination Loyalty Through Tourist Perception, Destination Image, and Mediation of Tourist Satisfaction: A Case Study in Ataúro Municipality
The research objectives aim to explore tourist perceptions, including the destination's image as a determining factor in fostering satisfaction in the chosen tourist destination. Ultimately, the positive values identified contribute to ensuring present and continued loyalty in the Ataúro Municipality. This study adopts a quantitative methodology, focusing on quantitative research in a location that emphasizes exploration and understanding the individual or group's desire to visit a tourist destination. The quantitative research method primarily aims to discover and comprehend the experiences, perspectives, and thoughts of tourists. The study utilizes an incidental method with 384 respondents who visited Ataúro Island, distributing questionnaires constructed from high-level variables, encompassing tourist perceptions, destination image, tourist satisfaction, and destination loyalty. Smart-PLS 3.0 is employed to analyze the data. The research results demonstrate that tourist perceptions significantly influence destination loyalty when reinforced by tourist satisfaction. Additionally, the destination image influences tourist satisfaction but does not directly impact destination loyalty. Nevertheless, empirical studies suggest that tourist perceptions, destination image, and satisfaction have a direct influence on destination loyalty in other contexts. In conclusion, this research establishes that tourist perceptions and destination image significantly and positively influence destination loyalty on Ataúro Island when supported by tourist satisfaction. Consequently, this study strongly implies the need for stakeholders to make informed decisions to enhance the development of tourist destinations on Ataúro Island, ensuring the sustainability of tourism development.
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