Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment: Exploring Work Motivation as the Mediator in private universities, Timor-Leste

  • Marselina Jemimut Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program, Dili Institute of Technology, Timor-Leste
  • Alvaro Menezes Amaral Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program, Dili Institute of Technology, Timor-Leste
  • Salustiano dos Reis Piedade Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program, Dili Institute of Technology, Timor-Leste
Keywords: Transformational leadership, work motivation, organizational commitment.


Commitment is the most important determinant of private universities in achieving their goals. Higher education plays an important role in preparing adequate human resources in various sectors. The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of entrepreneurial motivation between transformational leadership and organizational commitment in a private university setting We recently visited universities in Timor-Leste. Source Demographics KIESP-TL has 305 permanent faculty members in private universities. This is a randomized experiment with a sample size of 173 teachers, with a margin of error of 5%. Method: Data was collected through questionnaire. The data analysis was divided into descriptive and theoretical analysis; The former, analyzed with SPSS; while later using SMART-PLS 4.1 The results show a positive but significant relationship between transformational leadership and organizational commitment. However, transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on performance motivation. Work motivation is an effective mediator between transformational leadership and organizational commitment. The results contribute to prior empirical research and may serve as a basis for subsequent research. Furthermore, it can provide valuable insights for private universities to focus on organizational commitment by increasing transformational leadership and performance motivation.


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How to Cite
Jemimut, M., Amaral, A. and Piedade, S. (2024) “Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment: Exploring Work Motivation as the Mediator in private universities, Timor-Leste”, Timor Leste Journal of Business and Management, 6, pp. 52-63. doi: 10.51703/bm.v6i0.175.