The Role of Customer Trust in the Relationship Between Service Quality and Purchasing Decision: An Empirical Evidence of Berlin Nakroma Public Transportation
This research investigates the role of customer trust as a mediating variable between service quality and purchasing decisions among Berlin Nakroma Public Transportation passengers in Timor-Leste. By examining the significance of service quality and customer trust, this study seeks to understand how service quality impacts purchasing decisions, highlighting the importance of trust in customer engagement. This study utilizes empirical data collected via a structured questionnaire from Berlin Nakroma's passengers, analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to verify relationships among constructs. The results suggest that service quality significantly impacts customer trust and purchasing decisions, with customer trust as an essential mediator in the relationship between service quality and purchasing decisions. These findings underscore Berlin Nakroma's need to enhance service quality to foster trust and encourage repeated purchasing behavior.
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